Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Kitchen Experiment: Turkey Stock

I do have Thanksgiving pictures - just a few, but I haven't got around to downloading them yet so that will have to be my next post. After our weekend in Spring, Ann sent us home with the smoked turkey carcass. It had quite a bit of meat that we were able to pull off. Mark then came up with the idea to try making our own turkey stock with the rest of the bird's remains. So we tried it out, boiled up the water, veggies, and some seasonings. Mostly just played it by ear and by internet. I honestly wasn't sure how it would turn out. But after straining it and chilling it, the stock looked about like what the internet said it would. After that successful adventure, I decided to actually use the stock. So I made a Turkey Rice Soup using our homemade stock...and it worked! It was actually quite good. I admit I was a little surprised. :)


phil said...

you upload pictures from a camera to the computer to the internet, not download.

Anonymous said...

That soup sounds great on a cold day like today! Congrats on your sucess. My mom would make turkey soup all the time after Thanksgiving.