Thursday, June 4, 2009

Step 5: The Pour

The pour is the shortest step in the process. Once everything is set up it takes about 5-7 minutes to pour the pieces. Using specialized tongs we lift the crucible out of the furnace and set it into the contraption to pour. The gunk on top is scraped off (dirt, old shell, and other impurities). Then we lift up the crucible and start pouring. Thin pieces first, thick pieces last. If a shell happens to break open from the weight of the bronze, sand is placed around the shell and it is left to cool for a minute or so before adding more bronze. Fortunately that didn't happen to me. The left over bronze is poured into a block. And we're done.


Laura said...

way you sculpt naked BYU? seriously? i cant believe that you are doing what we saw down at the foundry! you're a real professional!

it was fun to see you and mark at dinner. sorry we were so crazy. kate is really's hard to have sick babies!

Amy said...

Well, no. BYU doesn't use naked models, they are wearing swimsuits. The swimsuits were just not sculpted.